Monday, February 16, 2015

Writing Commitment Update

I am 16 days in and still enjoying all this writing.  I look forward to it and dread it all day.  I look forward to it because I’m enjoying the challenge and actually writing.  I dread it because I never know what I am going to write about and because I’m usually exhausted by the time I get a chance to start.  I also fear that I may be sacrificing quality for quantity.  Either way I am committed to finishing out this month. 

At first I spent my days randomly thinking about what I was going to write about and stressing a tad.  Thinking I needed to have a topic I could really speak about in great detail and type out some big profound or motivating post that was several paragraphs long. 
One thing I have learned- when I allow myself to just sit and write it flows more easily.  Who knew that over thinking would inhibit my creativity?  That was rhetorical.  I know a few people and one in particular told me this repeatedly.  Here is your “I told you so” moment, go ahead and take it.  Remember though, I am stubborn and I have to learn on my own timing.

I am still using daily notes some but they are shorter and less frequent now.  I consider that a sign of progress.  Luckily, progress, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder and comes in many shapes and sizes.   Any progress is positive and I will gladly accept it.
Whether you have stuck with me through this or if you just happened to stumble across me, I am glad you are here.  Thank you.  I appreciate you.

Enjoy the rest of your day.

Until Tomorrow

P.S. In two days I have become a Trivia Crack addict.  You should find me on there so we can play together.  It’ll be fun.  Lots and lots of fun. 

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