Wednesday, February 11, 2015


We are our own worst critics.  Most of us judge ourselves harsher than we would ever judge another person.   We can be downright mean.  Many things we think about ourselves we would never dream of saying to another person.  It would be cruel and hurtful.  So why do we say them to ourselves?  Our thoughts have power.  What we think is what we are reinforcing.  So if we are telling ourselves “I look fat” or “I wish I was more muscular” or “I have big ears” or whatever, we are continuing to breed that belief.   

We do so many things to test ourselves.   Let’s use selfies as an example since we are living in a selfie world.  Many of us take multiple pictures.  Why is that?  It’s because we judge everything about the picture and we want it perfect.  We find the best angle to hide what we don’t like and to accentuate what we do.  I’ve done it and I still do a lot of the time. (usually I'm trying to hide my messy house)  It’s pretty normal but that doesn’t make it a positive.
There is a line between wanting to improve ourselves and not liking ourselves.  It is wonderful to have goals but we need to learn to love ourselves where we are while we work to get where we want.

When I recognize that I’m starting down a path of negativity I stop and acknowledge it, tell myself something positive and then repeat it until the demeaning thoughts no longer have a voice.  Sometimes I struggle with this more than others.  Some insecurities are stronger and take more to beat down.   I encourage you to fight back the next time negative self-talk starts taking over.  Find how you can best combat it and implement it immediately.  

Until Tomorrow

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