Thursday, January 17, 2019


Today I am sad.  The kind of sadness you feel deep in your stomach that permeates out.  Like a fire, all encompassing.  The reason I am sad isn’t what is important but how I handle it.  Do I recognize it, embrace it and move through it?  Do I fight to change the reason, possibly only prolonging the inevitable?  Buying time for alternative.  Do I put on the mask I am so used to and pretend the world is glossy like the pages of a magazine?  

I know the “healthy” choice but I don’t know what I will do.  I don’t know how to process my sadness.  I don’t want to slide on the mask I wore for years.  I’ve fought so hard to lose it, hide it, destroy it, make it unrecognizable to me BUT it seems the easiest of the options.  Put on the brave face and “fake it until I make it” waiting until I see how things play out. 

Yesterday I was reminded of a meme that basically reads to fret over a choice is to say that one is better than the other when in reality they could both be good.  One does not have to be wrong.  They may take you down different paths but it doesn’t mean one is better than the other.  Also, if it is meant to be, the journey may be different but the destination the same.

Here’s what I do know.  I made the right choice that led to my sadness.  I realize that seems odd but sometimes what is best for you hurts the most.  I gave up control of the situation but I had to.  This will not be easy to get through no matter which path I take.  That, if fate is real, then the destination is predetermined. 

Wednesday, January 16, 2019


The other day I found myself sitting at the self-help center at my local court house.  I was on a wait list for a divorce document workshop.  This was for people just preparing to file.  As I sat in the old, hard chair reminded of elementary school, I started to have anxiety.  Not because of why I was there but because I had to do this alone and it will change my life.  I know it is right, I know it is what I want but it will change everything about my life as I know it.  I’ve lived with unhappiness for so long, I know it well, we’ve become friends, knowing what to expect of each other.  It’s a comfortable place even if an unhappy one.  To walk away and toward a new life is scary and wonderful at the same time.  As I felt myself sinking into the anxiety attack I reached out to two friends.  Two amazing friends that could both offer me something different.   One reminding me that this is ultimately a good thing.  The other to make me smile.  As if they knew exactly what I needed, they fell into their roles getting me through the moments I needed to calm my breathing and my mind.  The best distractions.

Around 20 minutes after the scheduled start time we were called back one-by-one.  I was the last called and got a seat in the front.  The woman leading the workshop jumped right in and informed us this was a two hour event.  Three hours later, I had nearly completed paperwork and was almost ready to file.  Just needing to figure out a few details.  I left feeling positive, motivated, well informed and like I got this.  But as with a lot of things in life it is a roller coaster ride.  By the end of the day I was mentally exhausted and had lost motivation to complete my homework.  So, when my soon-to-be-ex didn’t push for the conversation I requested, I left it alone.   It helped that he disappeared quickly after arriving home.   

I don’t want to fight over this divorce.  I don’t want to drag it out but I do want what is fair and reasonable for both of us.  (We’ve been married nearly 18 years and together over 20.  That is a long time and over half my life.)  In an attempt to achieve this I have tried to be very forthcoming, even so far as reading every detail of my paperwork to him.  This has led to some confrontations and him being upset with me.   Given that we are still living under the same roof, with our child, it has led to some tension in the home.  It has also led to me looking forward to the nights he stays at his girlfriend’s house. 

To help calm my nerves through this process and to try to gain control over an out-of-control situation, I have taken to purging my house of everything extra.  If I don’t want something, I am giving him the option to have it then getting rid of everything else.  It is very cleansing.  I even went through all my books.  I have 16 small packing boxes full of books I have collected over the years.  I tried to purge them around a year ago and couldn’t do it.  I guess things happen when they are supposed to.  I’m now ready to part with them and look forward to a future where I have bookshelves again and can start my collection over.   Doing this makes my life feel tidier, like I’m taking back control and that I can let go of my old friend unhappiness who helped me collect all this shit.  I have also started mediating for 10 minutes every morning, journaling and reading to start my day.  I’m only on day three but again, I feel like this is me taking back my life and returning to me.  The me that I lost along the way.  The me that I used to love but let go.  The me that has been lurking in the shadows waiting for permission to enter the light.     

Sunday, January 6, 2019


Hearbreak. It is the most painful experience. Nothing heals it except time and you can't control time. You cannot make the process faster. I wish I had a time machine and could skip ahead 1 month, 6 month or even a year, however long it takes.

I sit looking at the ring you gave me, spinning it, playing with it smiling because it doesn't fit right. A special promise made between us, private moments wrapped up in it, representing so much. I want to remove it so I do not have the constant reminder but can't bring myself to do it yet. It isn't like you aren't constantly on my mind anyway.

I think back to when we first met. What a surprise you were. The questions you asked, the awkwardness I felt because you caught me off guard. The times I've made a fool of myself and couldn't help but laugh at my ridiculousness. The way you checked on me, worried about me, all the times I didn't tell you that meant so much. The way we made love, laughed and embraced what life threw at us. How you made me feel like the most special woman in the world. How I tried to find ways to make you feel the same.

Yes, as with every relationship there were rough times; tears, frustration, anger, feelings of helplessness, ways we hurt each other without meaning to, lots of apologies and promises of making it up. It was all worth it. Trying to navigate a relationship, learning a person and living life isn't easy. There are constant obsticles - sometimes creating our own, sometimes dodging those thown at us. The goal is to find the person you want standing next to you as a united front as you face them. For me, that person was you.

We cant deny that we had something special. I am thankful for that. I am thankful for the time we did have and all I am walking away with in the form of memories. What's that old saying? It is better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all?

I know with time this will get easier. Time. One of the few things you can't control.