Saturday, May 3, 2014

They're HOME!

My boys have finally returned home after a week away.  FINALLY!  It was a long week and I’m still green with envy.  I wish I could have been on their trip but it wasn’t meant to be.  We had decided at the beginning of the school year that the hubs would go since I am usually the one involved.  I know it was the right decision but I still wish we I could have attended.  Turns out it was a really good thing I was not the one going given my current ankle condition.  They had a blast and did all kinds of fun things. Have you been to Hume Lake?  If not, check it out.  It’s pretty spectacular. 

This was the first time I have been away from my son for this long since 2006.  I don’t consider myself over protective or unwilling to leave him but a week is a long time.  It’s even longer when you are the one left behind.  I found it hard to get myself moving since I didn’t have a long list of things to complete each day or anyone else dependant on me (except work of course).  It was kind of a strange feeling to come home and not have anything I HAD to do, to use the bathroom without interruption and to have complete control over the TV.  I never once heard “MOOOOOOM, I’m HUNGRY!!!!”
The mornings were the hardest part.  The silence was deafening.  I missed the drive to school and listening to his stories.  He is a smart and funny kid that always entertains me.  I love hearing all the things swimming around in that head of his. 

So they are home and sharing all their stories.  I was shocked when my son said chapel was his favorite part.   He liked that they didn’t just sit there.  They made it fun with singing, dancing and geared it more toward kids.  I guess, I should expect that after all it is all about the kids.  His second favorite thing was paintball.  This does not surprise me at all.  Seeing the pictures of his bruises hurt but he’s fine, it was fun and the bruises have already faded.  To hear my husband tell the stories of the paintball “war” is hilarious.  I think he had more fun than anyone.  He tells of rolling, diving, hiding, strategizing and winning with only 3 seconds left.  I definitely wish I could have seen him.   It makes me laugh just picturing it. 
Moral (or whatever) of the story: We all survived and normalcy is returning to our little family unit.  My son matured a little, my husband revisited his youth and I pretended to be a grown-up for a week.  I am happy to go back to just being me, not making all the decisions alone and having coffee brought to me each morning.   I may even cook a meal next week.

1 comment:

  1. I was on the opposite side of the situation in February when I took my daughter to Florida for a week and my husband was home by himself. There was just no way he could come with us.
    I think he enjoyed his time in a way, but has so anxious for us to get back!

    I'm so glad your guys had a great trip and I hope you have a wonderful week!
