Saturday, March 21, 2015

Soul Food

This whole not getting to the gym bullshit has sucked.  I only made it two nights last week.  Mom duties and volunteer duties come first but I miss it.  I miss my friends, the weights, the endorphins and the soreness.  I don’t think I said I was sore once this week.  I can’t remember the last time I went a day without saying it.

I knew working out 6 days a week wasn’t going to last but it snuck up on me. 
So after being bummed last night about missing so much gym time and realizing next week will be just as bad,  this morning it dawned on me that this can be a good thing.  WHAT?!  How is that?

WELL…. I have needed to find more time to run and this may force that.  I can control that easier than I can the gym time.  Perhaps this is the universe’s way of telling me “that half is quickly approaching and since you weren’t making the time to run and weight train, I’ll take away your weights several days a week and then you’ll be forced to run!”  That sounds like something the universe would say, right?  Especially after I’ve been telling it I need to make time.
This leads me to my plan to run this morning.  I was going to get up and get out there by 7 or 7:30.  Guess what… I woke up at 7 with a lot of excuses.  Yes, they are excuses (I’ll admit it but they’re really good) and I listened to them.  A year or two ago I would have felt bad about taking this day, especially after all the training I’ve missed recently but I decided I needed this and I will embrace it.

If I don’t have enough down time or ‘me time’ I tend to get cranky, on edge and not be a fun person to be around. (much like when I’m hungry) I recognize this in myself.  As much as I love all I have going on right now, I still have to find some time to calm the world around me and to get centered.  Eventually, I lose the ability to function properly until I hit that reset button. 
Running and the gym give me a different kind of reset.  They make me feel great and feed a part of my soul.   Just like our bodies need different foods to thrive so does my soul.  As I have mentioned before, I am really an introvert living an extrovert’s life.

2 blog posts in one day!  I kinda cheated though.  I’ve been working on the other one for a couple of days.  This one is fresh.

Until Next Time

P.S.  This afternoon I am spending time with amazing and gorgeous (inside and out) women.  That too will feed my soul in a way that only time with other women can.  It’s so easy to focus on the negatives in my life but I have so much positive.  I am blessed and sharing here reminds me of just how much.    

1 comment:

  1. Lol "that sounds like something the universe would say, right?" Hahaha that was funny.

    I read your last two. I like the way you write alot. Keep it up!!!

