Wednesday, June 18, 2014

If I knew then what I know now

I recently read this "What were you doing a year ago?"  It got me to thinking about all that has happened in the last year - there have been some pretty huge changes.  Just like me though, do it all at once and challenge myself.   Then I got to thinking about the last ten years.   I don't know about you but I've grown tremendously as a person.  Some of that came naturally with aging and some due to my keen ability at reflection.  There are a few discoveries (Running, Red Light Shoppe, My Naturopath) that helped guide me and some friends that set me straight when I detoured.

With this in mind, I composed a list I wish I could share with my 26 year old self.  It is pretty basic and probably a little cliché but I did not know this stuff.  I could have saved myself a lot of time and effort if only I knew then what I know now.

Note to my 26 year old self

  1. It is okay to make mistakes.  There is no perfect.
  2. Hold on tight to your faith, you're going to need it
  3. What others think of you does not define you
  4. It is okay to fail, it is not okay to quit or never try.
  5. Do not let insecurities guide you.
  6. Listen to your gut, it is never wrong
  7. Don’t eat, shop or bury your feelings.  They will resurface and require attention.
  8. Compliments.  Graciously accept them with a thank you.
  9. Stop over thinking
  10. Say yes more than you say no
  11. Embrace change, it is what will grow you as a person
  12. Don't hide from the camera, you'll want evidence of this time
  13. Accept it or change it, don't wait for it to happen on its own
  14. People may not understand you, that is okay. Stop explaining
  15. Keep in contact with those that are important. 
  16. Vulnerability does not equal weakness.
  17. Find what you enjoy and DO IT.  
  18. Never be too busy or consumed to hug your son just a little longer or listen to his stories.
  19. Being silly is a requirement. Life doesn't have to be so serious.
  20. Procrastinating.  Stop.  Just stop.
  21. Accept yourself, it is okay to be beautiful you


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