Sunday, February 8, 2015

Together with Love 2015

Today I ran my first race of the year.  It also happens to be the first one I’ve done in a long time.  It was to support the Monterey County Rape Crisis Center and I am always happy to support them.   It was the Together with Love race which is an out and back 5K or 10K in beautiful Pacific Grove, California.  The most wonderful part is they raised almost $35,000!

Pacific Grove, CA

Race day got real when I realized I had to set my alarm for an early morning.  I actually had to get up before my weekday call time.  Why do I do this again? 

After closing my eyes for what felt like 2.4 minutes I awoke to the beautiful sound of my alarm and howling wind.  My suspicion that it was going to be a rain race seemed to be confirmed. 
When we were about to head out the door I realized I still had not found my wireless ear buds or my armband and I was reminded why I used to always prepare the night prior.  Maybe I should have spent more time on overall preparedness instead of picking out the perfect race day outfit.  Some lessons must be learned the hard way.  Luckily, I found some sport buds hiding on a bookshelf.  My son reclaimed the ones I’d stolen from him and I was afraid I wasn’t going to have any. 

We arrived to the race location just after it started raining.  I walked around watching the volunteers set-up and chatting with friendly faces while hiding under my umbrella.  It was great to see so much enthusiasm even with the sporadic rains. 
natural beauty

I met up with my PIC (loving nickname which stands for partner in crime), got decked out with my IRUN4Jolie branding, quick photo op and then we headed to the start line.  That is when the heavy rain started.  It felt pretty good and made a beautiful sky but was short lived.  By the time the race started I was already dried out. 


rain arrived as if on cue
It was exciting starting the race with my son. He was looking forward to placing in his age group and took off immediately.  I caught a glimpse of him shortly after he reached the turn-around point.  When he saw me he crossed over and we were able to high-five as we passed.  That was awesome!  It was probably the highlight of the race.  He ended up in 7th pace and I am very proud of him. 

**Back to me**

The first half mile I felt great.  I wasn’t even sweating (shocking, I know!) and I was at a pretty quick pace.  I felt like I was going to PR and that got me pumped up.  I could not wait to be able write that here tonight.   Sadly, it didn’t happen.

Somewhere between mile 1 and 1.5 there was a water station and that threw me off.  I grabbed a water and took a couple sips without slowing my pace by much.  This led to me wearing part of it but that was ok.  I welcomed the coolness.  After the turn around I was running into the wind and it seemed I was on a constant incline.  I questioned why I love running, how I’m going to complete a half in a couple months and reminded myself that I used to run more miles than this on an almost daily basis.  I was sad for the ground I’ve lost but encouraged knowing I can get back to it.   At some point I thought about Jolie, the little girl I run for, and that got me to pick up my pace again.  I also thought about my family and their health issues and how they can’t do this right now so I should for them.   
I took 13th in my age group and was close to setting a new 5K record but it just wasn’t meant to be today.  I did my best and I’m proud of myself.  My pace was really great and I can’t wait to get some more miles on my shoes.  That’s how it is with most every race, I question why I do it until it’s over and then I can’t wait for the next one. 

Official Results

Next up was FOOD!  We went to a little, locally owned restaurant to have brunch and I had 2, yes 2 mimosas and a giant BLAT (bacon, lettuce, avocado and tomato) sandwich.  YUMM-O!  It was heavenly and I enjoyed every bit. 

I ended the afternoon with a little nap with a crackling fire and the rain continuing its sporadic down pours. 

Today was a good day.

Until Tomorrow

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