Thursday, February 19, 2015


I recently wrote about how our thoughts have power.  This poem is a beautiful reminder   

Thoughts are Things
I hold it true that thoughts are things;
They’re endowed with bodies and breath and wings
And that we send them forth to fill
The world with good results, or ill.
That which we call our secret thought
Speeds forth to earths remotest spot,
And leaves its blessings or its woes
Life tracks behind it as it goes.
We build our future, thought by thought,
For good or ill, yet know it not.
Yet so the universe was wrought
Thought is another name for fate;
Choose then thy destiny and wait,
For love brings love and hate brings hate.

Heny Van Dyke

This was sent to me today and I have read it about a dozen times.  I continue to love it more and more each time. 

There is another poem very similar by Ella Wheeler Wilcox and I urge you to find it and read it.  It starts the same but is longer.  I haven't researched to determine which came first but it is obvious one of them copied the other.  They are both beautiful.  I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.
Until Tomorrow.

P.S.         Conversation with a coworker:
                What do you do, Amber?  Cardio? Kickboxing?
                I weight train
                hahahaha no, really?
              “OH” and walked away



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