Friday, February 27, 2015


I grew up in a very religious family.  We attended church every Sunday morning, Sunday night and Wednesday night for many years.  I was taught to love God, prayer as a form of communication, treat others with love and respect and to pray for them.  I was not taught to judge others.    

Over the last several years I have grown away from the religion that I grew up with but still hold the values that were instilled in me.  I’ve questioned my belief in God, explored other religions and grown more spiritual and less religious.  I have done a lot of searching.  I don’t really have any more answers than I did when I started but I have learned many things.     
One of the biggest lessons has been that many Christians are extremely judgmental.  I can’t determine why.  It is not our job to judge others.  If you are Christian, I believe you share in my belief that one day we will stand before God and will be judged by him for our sins.  He is also the only one that can absolve us of them.  So, why do so many feel it is their responsibility to judge others?  What makes them the judge and jury?  What makes them think they can play God?  Is that not the ultimate sin? Even when thinly veiled with “I’m worried about you” or something along those lines.  We all sin differently.   Just because you see a person’s sins as worse than yours, doesn’t mean you are better than them.  So get off your high horse.   Stop judging and remember your place.  Judge not, that ye be not judged.  Matthew 7:1. 

People have to live their own lives and it is hard enough without feeling judgment from those that are supposed to be friends or family.  Before you point the finger take a long look at yourself.  What sins did you commit today? 
This may indeed seem that I am being judgmental.  Maybe I am in a way.  But honestly, I’m tired of the comments, looks and watching friends suffer because someone disapproves of their behavior.  If you do not like someone’s behavior and feel they are headed down the wrong path – pray for them.  You do not need to fix them or tell them how you disapprove.  If they’re not asking for help then get out of their way.  If associating with them somehow negatively affects you then separate yourself.  We all have to make the decisions in our life based on what is best for us.  Everyone deserves to be happy.  Everyone’s happiness looks different. 

FYI I am not talking about anything illegal, drug related or harmful.  I am talking about people that are just trying to do their best.  Maybe they are making relationship, business, family, etc decisions.  Maybe they are poor choices, maybe they’re not and you just think they are.  Maybe your own bias is playing a roll.  Ultimately we have to live with our own choices.  So goes the saying - you do you and I’ll do me.
Yes, in Christianity we have commandments and a Bible to follow but we still do not get to play judge.  It is not our place.

Until Tomorrow

P.S.  3 words- preteen boy drama.      

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