Sunday, April 13, 2014

New Fitness Page

This week I’ve been having a lot of fun developing my new fitness page on Facebook.   I decided to start it for several reasons.  One main reason is I get a lot of questions about my workouts and how I’ve changed my life.  So I decided to make a page where people can follow my journey.  I’ve learned a lot along the way and I’m happy to share it.  I still have a lot to learn, I’m not perfect and I feel the occasional indulgence is ok.  Those are the three things you should know.  Not everyone agrees with my theories and that’s ok.  We’re all on our journey and what works for one may not work for another.   I believe if you are too hard on yourself you’ll give up.  It’s about a lifestyle and making conscious decisions.  I weigh my choices and if I really want something I go for it.
I understand not everyone is where they can have the occasional indulgence.  I’ve been there too.  I’ve been so addicted to candy that I had to literally cut it all out.  I didn’t cut out all sweets as I knew that was a recipe for failure.  I took one month where I denied myself any candy.  I chose candy because that seemed to be my biggest issue.   The first few days were sheer torture but it did get easier.  After the month I had gained control of my addiction and didn’t crave it like I had.  I still have to be careful but am finding healthier alternatives that fill the need.  My family has been great about trying my inventions with minimal complaints.  The hardest has been the ice cream.  I haven’t mastered that ice cream maker YET. 

I remember I used to be able to sit and feed myself junk food and not even realize I had finished a whole bag of chips or cookies or whatever my treat was.  Usually I would start the eating as a way to comfort myself but then I would feel so guilty that it just created more need to comfort. So the cycle would repeat itself.  By the end of it I was a bloated, overweight mess and felt horrible about myself.  I had lost my self-confidence and developed a lot of insecurities.   It took seeing a picture of myself, I don’t mean just looking at it but really seeing it for me to realize I had to do something.  It was hard to believe I was worth the change but I dug deep and found a glimmer of confidence and took my first step.
My journey truly is proof; if I can do it, anyone can.  I know everyone says that and for a long time I scoffed at it but it is true.  You just have to find a little love for yourself and keep taking one step after another.  It won't always be easy and it will take determination, hard work and perseverance but results will follow.  We all have struggles but being kind to yourself will get you through.  That and friends that give you a little kick (sometimes a BIG one) in the butt to remind you to get to it.  I find if I am vocal about my goals I am more likely to work toward them.   Sometimes I need to be held accountable by someone other than myself. 

Go take the first step in making a positive change in your life and tell me all about it.  I want to be your cheerleader.   

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