Friday, April 25, 2014


It's been a few weeks so I decided to do another link up.  The topics this week are Making, Eating, Enjoying, Hiding and Noticing.  This should be fun.

I am making an effort to keep my mood in check as I deal with this injury.  It's very frustrating but a bad attitude will not help anything.  Plus, I need people to help me.  They're more likely to be helpful if I'm being nice.

I am eating what is made for me.  My son and my husband have been great this week in preparing my meals.  I've tried keeping it on the healthier side but mostly I'm just grateful for food.

I am enjoying building my FB Fitness Page.  If I can inspire at least one person then I will be happy.  It's been a long journey with a lot of ups and downs.  I still have a ways to go and it feels great to share it with others.  You can find it here.   

Hmm... hiding... this is a tough one.  Ah!  Tomorrow I may hide how many tacos I eat at my son's birthday party.  They are a huge weakness of mine and I never seem to get full.  The asada ones are the best.  My mouth is beginning to water just thinking about them. 

I have been noticing that the more open I am the more people I seem to attract.  So far, it's been a great thing.  This leads me to believe my insecurities are what's been holding me back this whole time.  Who knew?  No, really, who knew?  You could've let me in on the secret.  Can you say projection?

So there we have it.  Make sure and swing by and check out the host of this link-up here.

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