I have not written in a long time. Life has been busy and I have not made time
for it. I miss it but it is not a
priority. I am not going to say I do not
have time. Life is about
priorities. We have time for what we make
a priority. So today, when I have a
million other priorities, I am taking this morning and writing. I am taking a few moments for myself to share
something very personal.
Yesterday I lost a dear family member. I had not seen her in many years and had not
talked to her in months, maybe over a year.
She was way too young to pass and it is unfair. She had been battling cancer, had been so
brave and strong but it was her time.
I am sad for all the obvious reasons. I am also heartbroken because I did not make
her a priority in my life. As children
we were close. Even though I am a bit older
than her, we still had fun together. She
is the one cousin I was closest to. The
only one close enough to my age that we played together.
I do not know much about her adult life. I know she has children. I have met one. I know bits of things from the last time we
talked when she updated me on her life.
Sadly, I do not know much. I
spent some of yesterday reading posts about her on Facebook. Reading what those closest to her had to
say. Learning about what a wonderful
woman she had blossomed into. It made me
sad that I did not make the time to know this beautiful woman. It made me sad that it is too late. It made me feel guilty to mourn.
Mostly, it made me realize I need to make more time for
those I love. I need to make them a
priority. Yes, my life is extremely busy
but there is always time. I do not want
to live with regrets or looking backward.
Today, I put on a smile and I prepare for a night of fun and
laughter. Here’s to you my dear. May you live forever in the hearts of those
that love you.
Until next time.
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