I recently had a conversation with a friend laughing about posts on social networking sites. Does anyone really care what we have to say? I mean, does it matter that we just fed our kids dinner, went to the movies, took out the trash or any other number of mundane items we complete each day. No, no it doesn't. I'd much rather blog it anyway. Here, I can write as much as I want with out getting those silly red numbers.
I'm excited, nervous, anxious and thrilled to face this fear of making myself vulnerable by blogging. Part of me wonders why the heck someone would want to read what I have to say. The other half says who cares? It's for me, not them. So here I will tear down a wall. I've been making ceilings floors for two years and I'm looking forward to this new challenge. Gulping some liquid courage is just a bonus. Here's to you and me.
Bottoms up girl!!