There are different types of friendship. I've been all types to many and experienced my fair share from each group. You learn what to expect from people and to count on those strengths and weaknesses.
The good-timers. These are the ones that are only there when things are good. Who needs these? We all do. They are fun and they make us laugh. Everyone needs a good time friend - like everyone needs a good time girl.
The Suckers. These are the users. The ones that suck the life out of you if you let them. Avoid them. Even if it means running away screaming with your hands over your ears. You can only handle so much negative in your life. My guess is you have enough of your own, you don't need theirs.
The Fakes. The ones that are one way to your face and then can't wait to share/talkabout/destroy you to the next person. Avoid them? Maybe. I choose not to. I know who they are, what they offer and frankly, I don't care what they think/say anymore. They can be amusing - like toys. Challenge yourself to see just how much you can get them talking about you.
The Reals. These are the ones that are 100% invested. They know you, they love you and there is no pretense. No explanation or correction needed for statements because they automatically know what you mean. The ones that show up on your doorstep with alcohol, food or the new must-see movie. They don't see the dirty dishes in the sink, the mascara running down your face or the laugh lines around your eyes. They see directly to your soul and refill it without effort.
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