Sunday, June 1, 2014


Know why I hate the word diet?  To me it is interchangeable with deprivation.  On Friday, I was instructed to do a liver detox diet.  Since then, all I’ve been able to think about is what I will not be able to consume for the next 3-4 weeks.  It has completely enveloped me.  Craziest part is I rarely even eat/drink a lot of the items I’m supposed to cut.  It's a total mental game.

It takes me back to all the times I’ve tried diets and failed.  Of course, this is different, but just that word triggers me.  I’m feeling like I need to cram myself full of all the things I will not be able to eat.  I’ve suddenly wanted pizza, root beer floats, beer (more than usual), and lots and lots of flavored coffee. 
The hardest part is either going to be the no sugar (except fruit) or the no cream in my coffee.  I love coffee but with flavoring.  Otherwise, what’s the point?  It's the warm creaminess that is a must. (Think I'll go make myself another cup right now!)
What I need to focus on is the DETOX.  I am thrilled I won’t be taking some crazy horse pills or flushing my system where I need to be near a bathroom at all times.  I should not have painful abdominal cramping or any of the fun stuff that comes with a colon cleanse.  I should have a system that is naturally clearing itself, I should feel better, I should solve a few other issues and as a bonus I should trim down a little.  These are all GREAT things.   These are the things I need to focus on.   There is so much I will still be able to consume and I will not be starving myself.  This really isn’t a diet and I should stop using that dirty four-letter word.  I need to just refer to it as a liver detox.

Tomorrow will start this new part of my journey.  It's guaranteed to be interesting.  Hopefully, my boys don't go into hiding and hopefully the anticipation is the hardest part.  I mean, really, what's 4 weeks?  It's only a month.  I can do anything for a month.    


  1. You can do it!!! What are the details of your detox? I host/coach one every month... Just curious what you are doing.

    Btw... Can you do almond milk in your coffee? Or just no coffee?

    1. Rachel, it's basically clean eating, eliminating all dairy, pork, corn, sugar, processed foods and a few other things. I will also be taking spanish black radish and a natural cleanse supplement. The black coffee actually wasn't that bad, I probably only had about 4 oz. What do yours usually entail?

  2. Hi Amber!
    I am so glad Michele (A Pace of Balance) referred you to me otherwise I would have never found your blog!! Good luck today on day 1 of your liver detox! I hate that 4 letter word too! When I talk about my Paleo "diet" I refer to it as a lifestyle instead because it actually is a lifestyle. Like I mentioned on my fb msg to you, if you are looking for any particular recipe or dish and can't find it, let me know I have tons of paleo books, and follow way too many paleo blogs that I am sure I can find something that fits your guidelines.
