I've decided to start on many new journeys this year. I'm not starting them so much because it is a new year but more because I'm looking to improve me. I could go on and on describing everything I want to change or work on but that would be depressing, not to mention exhausting. Instead, I am going to focus on the things I AM DOING. The changes I am making today or have already made.
A few months ago I started taking a plyo class. It's an incredible work out. It pushes me to my limits and then some. It is exhausting but after I feel amazing. At least I do after a long shower and sometimes a short nap. Though I am physically exhausted, I feel amazing mentally. Of course, the endorphin release assists but it's more because I am doing something just for me. I'm not doing it for my son or my husband or for anyone else. It's for me. I am getting myself into better shape both mentally and physically. It's not any surprise that I could stand to lose weight but that isnt what this is about. It's about doing what I want to do and taking control of my life.
Last week I received my white belt in a specific style of martial arts. This is a journey I never expect I would be facing. It never occured to me to want to a black belt. It never occured to me that I could have a black belt. It never occured to me that I could deserve a black belt. Now I know that one day I will have one.
So my first journey has been toward better physical and mental health. This is where I am. I think I know where I am going.